Jacqueline Yeung
Jacqueline Yeung

It's my pleasure to meet you here! 😊 Thank you for being here!

Please allow me to take a few minutes to introduce myself:

I am a Deep-Thinker with a great pile of confidence, a highly sensitive introvert but not too anxious most of the time, high intrapersonal Intelligence, a self-talk expert, and sometimes stuck with imposter syndromes need my self-talk skills to talk myself out of it! My depression can be triggered by loneliness, and I am learning to deal with it. Becoming an author has been my dream since I spontaneously picked up the first book at age 13. I love writing and use words to express myself. It could be the fact that I was very good at writing composition since primary school, and I thank the British Hong Kong government, which implemented the bilingual education system that cultivated me with both English and Chinese language. I believe in the power of listening, observing, asking, and learning. Knowing how the brain works helps me understand that I can always do that through these four powerful skills whenever and however I want to grow.

I am in love with problem-solving. I also know that whatever problem I have, I can always solve it whenever I want and intend to. I am learning not to push or force others to let me solve their problems. It’s because every person’s problem requires their awareness who intentionally and spontaneously want to solve it. My primary revenue streams are business consultation with 16 countries around Asia and Australia, bridging them with a company in Southern California. You can also connect with me:

LinkedIn is my primary social platform and has a network of 110K connections and Followers 👋 CLUBHOUSE: @jacqjr 🔵 Facebook Page: Jacqueline Yeung 🟠 Instagram @jacqueline_jacqjr 🔴 YouTube: Jacqueline Yeung 🟡 Amazon Kindle Author Profile: JacQueline Yeung 🟢 GoodReads: Jacqueline Yeung

Jacqueline Yeung

Jacqueline Yeung

Daily Inspirational and Motivational Article Delivery! Striving to help and support others for positive life along my journey!