Breaking into Human Nature
Learning to embrace differences!
Most of time, we meet new people and getting into more communications by choosing them with one specific criteria — Likeminded! It is because we know that it would be easier to communicate; more importantly, because we don’t want to be surrounding with people that doesn’t agree with us!
The underlying fact is that, we know that we are all unique, and we are all different! This is part of human nature; and that has been taught since we were born! Humankind is living by communities. It is not easy to live alone; and it is the needs of our nature that we want to have people around and live together! Togetherness is the ultimate power of us!
Imagine that if everything, and every one of us were all the same! How hard it would be to have enjoyment and fulfillment in our lives? That’s one of the most beautiful thing that we have, it is we are all different!
Because we are all different, there are always room for us to give, help, support and even spread love for others! And another nature of us is; we tend to do it with “we think others need them”! That of course, we can see it as our ego fulfillment; and yet, not every time when we think others should need something meaning what we do is right! All these giving, helping, sharing etc., are from the mindset of we think we are in a better situation, position or have more abilities; and that is why we do what we think we should do and do! The truth is that, these actions also give us the enjoyment and fulfillment for ourselves!
These sound antagonistic! We want to surround with likeminded people; but we want to enjoy the fulfillment of helping others because of the differences! So how can we break them depends on learning and training of our mindset!
We want to learn to completely accept that we are all different. We understand being different is nothing wrong with it. We learn to understand that having differences not only make us unique; it also give us more angles of seeing things; life is a 360 degree with full dimensions; with the differences of our perspectives; we have more opportunities to know about our blindspot And most importantly, despite we are all different; we treat everyone the same; with love, kindness, gratitude, compassions, empathy — the five elements of joyful life!
Because we are all different; we see things differently; we interpret things differently, we feel differently, we love differently! Because of that, we have room for learning from others! In all kinds of relationship; the most beautiful part is to learn and understand one another; and that give us opportunity to explore, learn and probably change to be a better self of ourselves from time to time. This also full of enjoyment for living our life!
To change the world to be greatest, we start from within, train and change our mindset for differences; and extend the same to our next generations; the core value of humankind — Equality will be soon achieve!
I am Jacqueline, really appreciate you for reading! Thank you!