How to find Positivity in Negativity!

Mindset rebuild for positive life

Jacqueline Yeung
4 min readJun 14, 2020


“Know the bad first so that the good would be the greatest!”

Most of encouraging quotes tell us that;

“The negative shall past, and the positive will be there soon!”

or they would be like this;

“The beautiful sunshine always come after the rain storm”.

Not that these kind of quotes were wrong, but what if we can appreciate the positivity in the negativity?!

The waiting for good things to happen could be harder than anything if no action accompanied with it. It may become the source of negativities; or even worst; it could magnifying the feeling of negativities. People experienced depression or anxiety eventually getting worst while waiting without accurate action. So instead of telling people to wait; here’re 3 simple steps to turn the negativity to positivity.

Step One —

Admit to ourself that we’re take partial responsibility of what had happened to ourself.

Most of time, by driven by human nature; we tend to blame others when negative things occurred. However, we may not be seeing the 100% of reality. The truth is that, we are partially of why the negativity happened. For instant, when your direct manager call you to their office, and then they begin to doubt about your work — what a bad day right? Once you finished the discussion with your manager, you will hear a voice in the back of your mind, the manager must be having a bad day or either they’re in bad mood with something else! — Hello Ego! Yes, that’s your ego talking to you! In human nature, we tend to blame others no matter it’s our fault or not, but how many of us really looking into what had happened and trying to figure out how much extent that we should be accountable for?

In order to take the first step, we will need to review our part and admit to certain circumstances that; in this above example, whether if we’d lost our focus and made some minor mistake; or if we have been distracted. Admit to what we should be responsible for is the most important step that we will be able to make change and learn from the experience.

Step Two —

Look at the gain instead of the lost!

Negative emotions come from what we considered as Lost; it’s the feeling of lost versus win, defeated or failed versus achieved and succeed; that brings in the negativities. These feelings were implemented in our emotions since our childhood. In order to appreciate the gain from the negativities; it could be just as simple as we learn to look at the other side of the coin.

Another example; we fell in love with someone, but turned out we realized the relationship wouldn’t last and ended. We may start to count what we had loosen; it could be time, effort, love and or even money; no matter which part we were counting, none of them would be helped to get us out of the negativities. If we think these counting will help us to past the Waiting; then we will have a higher possibility to be either depressed with our past; or being anxious for our future.

In this example, listen to our ego and blame others will be a great feeling at the beginning; but being able to identify our own potion of accountability would be even better in long term. Because not only we would be able to understand better of the Why; we also can understand what we really want! d And that is the real gain! Love is emotions, but when a relationship ended; we want to be rationally review what would be done better in our next time!

Step Three —

Take what we learn and move on!

Learning means when we learned something, we move on to the next level with the lessons not just the experieces. Just like when we finished kindergarten, we move on to primary school. If we already took Step One and Step two, then it’s time to move on in our life. Past is the worst best friend, if we be with only one friend even it’s best friend, our world still too narrow. But if we take what our best friend taught us, we will be able to keep the past in the best way while we would be able to build our new friends network. Take what we learned and move on to the new challenge in life, continuing learning and be a better self everyday.

The process of dealing with negativity is never only Waiting! The aimlessly waiting only will get us into more negativities. Take the first step to admit to our accountability; tell ourselves it’s okay to have made bad decisions or done something wrong, we are no Saint!

Follow these steps; review and learn from the experience, understanding, study and learn from it; once we’re gratulated from these steps, move on to the new adventure.

Don’t just sit there and look at the sky to wait for the sun; take our steps to go out and move to the place where sun is up! Our proactive attitude counts!

“There maybe “Good Luck” and “Bad Luck”; we only will know the “Good” because of the “Bad”. Therefore, getting into “Bad Luck” is also a “Good Luck”!

Thank you for reading! I am Jacqueline, please leave a comment if you would like to share your experiences. Or reach out to me if you think I can help you!

I am actively on LinkedIn, please connect with me!



Jacqueline Yeung

Daily Inspirational and Motivational Article Delivery! Striving to help and support others for positive life along my journey!