The Power of Positive Words
Practice by Using Positive Words to Cultivate Positive Mindset
Journaling is one of the best practice for mindset rebuild!
I remember when I was teenager; I had been told to write my dairy as my homework! At that point of age, I wouldn’t see the benefit of it; especially when this great practice became part of our homework and responsibility; maybe a little more encouragement instead of force with negative power would put us into a complete different mindset; and that we will be more willing to do that!
Journaling is great for positive mindset just don’t make it with negative energy!
This could possibly one of the best example of negative action made opposite effect from a positive intend!
As the times and technology change, a lot of journals are found with diversities of content among different platforms; some are photo oriented such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat; some are more article and writing oriented like Medium, LinkedIn and lots of personal blogs. All these transformations changed the way we learn new ideas and adopt new knowledges! There’re so many to be shared and most of them are absolutely with positive and great intends!
With the increase of content creations, there’re some new jobs and businesses raise at an opportune time! Content Marketing, affiliate writing. copywriting for example. Journaling become a bigger meaning among different aspects and with more purpose!
However, when it becomes popular, some negative “side effects” also rose up! Such as trolls, cyberbullying, or even worst, fake informations led to negative emotions!
And if we read more and observe more, those personal blogs, articles or written posts could be differentiated as followings:
- Positive Message with Positive Words to encourage and uplift others
- Positive Message with Negative Words to preach others
- Negative Message with Negative Words that led others to negative emotions
In order to achieve the true benefit from journaling, let’s look into the real effect on each of them to our mindset:
Positive Message + Positive Words
The best way to keep positive mindset is to practice writing positive message with positive words! If we put this as our goal; every time we pick up our pen, or keyboard instead; first we need to think of an idea about positive message. Even if we have a bad day with no too much positive energy or some negative emotions; by thinking of the positive idea; such as “What I am grateful for today” or just simply “embrace a small thing of awesomeness”. We will find that our mindset will just switch over to positive because our thought’s energy changed. By writing with positive words; the level of positive energy will keep rising, and that will help us to stay positive!
Most importantly, when we share articles or posting content with positivity, we gets more positive feedback from readers, and that is maximizing the level of positive energy in our mindset! This is a “Multiple wins” activity that benefit lots of people at the same time!
If we’re the reader, we would love to follow someone’s writing that absolutely boost our positive energy! And that’s definitely worth to follow, read and learn more!
Positive Message + Negative Words
The choice of words various from each and every of us! Our ability of words fundamentally built with our learning journey; with different culture or learning method, plus we are all uniquely different, the choice of words makes a huge different on the message we want to share!
Let’s take a look of one example:
“Let’s be resilient together!”
“Don’t be stubborn!”
The meaning of these two lines are basically the same! Let’s ask ourselves, which one we prefer?! Or which line give us the idea that we want to learn and do the same?!
In human nature, our learning mostly based on encouragement!
Just like the first example of my own story about dairy, when it became preachy and forcing, the effect would turned out completely opposite!
When we intend to share positive message, however, choice of words didn’t come along as more encouraging and positive; our intend could just being turned into opposite way; and that could led to some doubts, argumentative comments, or even worst, that types of negative words would have triggered negative emotions and cause trolls! When more of negative emotions being accumulated; it could triggered cyberbullying. Of course, some of these really happened for no reason; but before we point our finger to others; let’s check and see if we can do it any better!
Once we recognize and identify the issue, we can thennbegin to practice on switch our words to more positive!
We do this not for benefit others only, it’s mainly focus for our own mindset! Take a second read, highlight those negative words, make changes; and when we think about positive words, again, the action just giving us positive energy!
This is what I’ve learned in the past five months; and I really encouraging everyone to try it!
As a reader, even though the author was written with some negative words, as long as the message is positive in a way to give us great ideas and how to be better ourself, we appreciate that, and at the same time, we can try and learn to write the same message in our mindset with positive words, and that also help us to stay positive and happy!
Negative Message + Negative Words
I am blessed to be surrounded by a lot of positive and like-minded friends; however, every one of us could have those negative moment though! There was one time, my friend sent me a message of what he’s ready to post but he want me to check for him. He was full of negative emotions because of some issues about the pandemic. I did my best to stop him. I explained to him that posting while he has negative emotions was not a good idea; in fact, we have already more than enough of negativities during this tough period, adding his personal negative emotions doesn’t do any good for our community! I am so grateful that he reached out to me; because at least I have the opportunity to talk to him and helped him out from that negative emotions.
I understand everyone has freedom of speech; we all do!
How we want to write, posting and share our thoughts are all depends on our own will! I also believe that we all have certain amount of social and community responsibilities and we should be more considerate for others!
Most importantly, when we post and share our negative thoughts, will that really help us to turn into positive and happier mindset? Negative attracts more negative; the negative message usually would be responded and commented with further negativities; regardless readers who agreed or disagreed with us!
What would be the advantage and benefit to make a bigger pool of negative emotions?
For readers, if we encountered any negative message; the best way for not getting those negative impact from it is we keep scrolling, moving forward and don’t read it. The author has freedom of speech and we have freedom of choice for reading. Getting into that only bring us negative energy. Spend our time focus on positive energy so that we have a happier and joyful life!
Of course, if we realized that our friend had suddenly changed to negative emotions, it’s time to reach out and lend them a listening ear; in most cases, that one step extra will just help our friend turn into positive energy right the way.
Journaling has one extra skillset benefit; when we practice more of writing, our ability of expressing ourselves will increase; that is one of the most important element in all kinds of effective communication!
Journaling is a great mindset rebuilding practice, even if we are not going to share it publicly or semi-publicly; we still can keep it for ourselves. From time to time if we read back our older journal, we will learn more about ourself; and that’s also one kind of exercise we can do for self-communication and self-understanding. We may even being amazed by our self!
Thank you very much for reading! I hope this article will be helpful for you.
Please feel free to give feedback in the comment or if you want to contact me, here’s my LinkedIn!