True Humanity with Love

Let Us Dedicate Our Effort Together!

Jacqueline Yeung
6 min readJul 4, 2020


As bit by bit we are getting into the re-opening from the Pandemic, along with different demonstrations, protests and some unrests in the world recently; more discussions about Equality, Anti-racism and Freedom follows with the current situations are happening everyday! Some discussions based on those who caused the problems, some discussions shifted into political dispute! The complex emotions at some points, intensified different actions!

Making our voice count definitely important, and that attached importance to all those subjects! The question is;

“How can we really put our efforts into the real CHANGE?”

We may feel strengthless to really change the world in a large scale; but if we all dedicate to play a part of what we can led to changes for a better world, we sure want to do that! Let’s make our world great again!

In order to learn what we can play a part for the change; let’s take a little time to look into the true root of these issues.

The way is through spread more love for humanity and rebuild our core value not only for ourselves, but for our next generations as well!

Why Humanity with Love work?

Humanity — the meaning of humanity is a virtue associated with basic ethic of altruism derived from the human condition. It’s also symbolises human love and compassion toward each others.

The concept developed of “Humane” and “Humanist” philosophy during the Renaissance. With stressing a concept of basic human dignity inspired by Aristotelianism; the concept of humanitarianism resulted in model notions such as “Human Rights”.

Humanity and Love is not just a philosophy for specific part of the world; in fact, this philosophy was developed in both Western and Eastern culture through different age of our world. Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle on Love and Kindness that considered courage, justice, temperance, generocity, wit, friendliness, truthfulness and greatness of soul to be the sole virtues respectively. Confucius philosophy of “Ren” (仁); which focused on Love of people, they believe “Human nature was instinctively kind and good” The philosophy of “Ren” included love, kindness, respect, gratitude, compassion and empathy!

All the common values from different culture formed our True Core Value of Humanity with Love. And with the Core Value, we have ways to put our effort into making changes in different part of our life.

Equality — Anti-racism

Racism has been demonstrated significant impacts to humankind. It became one of the hottest topic recently, but it has been always around from time to time! Actually Racism was rooted from colonization and slavery in our history. These two movements happened through our world’s development; no matter we think they were wrong or right; they’re part of human history and we have no way to changed them from the past; but we can do something to change for a better future.

Colonization formed when European countries began to expand in the 16th Century; they’re expanded for more resources; such as species from India, tea from Taiwan and tobacco grown in Virginia. Throughout the whole Asia, Thailand is the only one country never being colonized. As grown up in Hong Kong — British Colony since 1842 till 1997; we heard stories about the early racist happened. During the 19th Century, some luxury places in Hong Kong would have a sign on their front door said “Chinese and dogs are restricted to enter the premises” It’s the pride of being governed the new colony, it’s the supremacy of feeling that caused all these unnecessary racist actions. It’s less impact around the world after many colonies became independent.

In United States, racism was formed with both colonization and slavery. The fast expansion of United States before independence required more labor for building the places and farming. The pride and supremacy from being governed the places and brought people from Africa for labor in farming; and people from China to build the railways; these were the root of racism in USA.

Although President Lincoln ended the slavery by issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863; the unrest didn’t just stop there; especially the significant movie “The Birth of Nation” came out and elevated the misunderstanding and created the myth like “Black people are bad” It’s the integration of all these facts brought years of racist reactions till now.

By understanding the root of the problem, what we can do is that, we acknowledge that we only have one race in the world, we are all human! Put our pre-assumption away, learn and communicate with one another; just same as Confucius said:

“Human nature was instinctively kind and good”

Hiring people only based on their ability and capability not their skin color; educate our children to put love into building friendships with everyone; stop that vicious cycle of the myth, open our heart to listen to others. Every piece of effort and action for change are simply on our mindset! We have the power to dedicate for the real change!

Equality of Gender

Besides Racism, gender equality is another topic that builds discussion almost every single day. If we looked back to history; Patrilineality has been implemented in our society since Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire and in the Eastern empires from 2700 B.C. Marriage put women under men’s family name, it’s an extension of men’s family instead of women!

The imprinted idea of “man is in charge” especially after years of development; it became more solid and have huge impact in generations after generations. The Women’s Liberation Movement began in 1960s and continued till 1980s; it brought more attentions to help for equal-opportunity for women; from athletic competitions to business and careers! We are still not at complete equality; but the progress is more successful in some countries while others’ may still have less education opportunities for girls. We won’t be able to change everything and make it perfect, there’s no perfection for this topic. What we can do is, treat girls and boys the same, keep the equality in our family and home, community and at work. Hiring and promoting only based on one’s ability and capability regardless one’s gender.

The true equality is not depends on how many guaranteed percentage of opportunity for women; it’s to keep our mindset practice for all humankind are equal! It’s humanity with love, it’s respect and kindness!

Equality of Freedom

Freedom is another core value of humankind. We embrace freedom of speech, religious, even political viewpoints. We enjoy the freedom of making our own decisions for life; we are free to do what we want to do.

The true Freedom also has limitation; when we enjoy our freedom, it shouldn’t be harmful for others. When we enjoy our freedom of speech, it shouldn’t be free to use any offensive way or abusive words towards other; and we shouldn’t force others to agree with us. Our freedom of action make us free to do what we want to do except for hurtful for others or threaten for others life. We have freedom of religious, but we can’t put our belief on others and force them to believe the same.

The rule of law at a high level, is to regulate these limitations. While we’re enjoying our freedom, make sure we put humanity with love, respect, understanding, compassion, kindness and gratitude before our freedom! By educate our children the same, it helps the world to get better and better.

Humanity and Love are our True Core Value, regardless who we are and where we come from. Our world needs them now more than ever!

Throughout history, we learn that every revolution built by sweats, tears, blood and effort! There’re still revolutions in different part of the world is in needed; we can’t change the past, but the true revolution actually can be taking part in each and every one of us!

Let’s do it together for a better world!

Thank you very much for reading! I hope this article will be helpful for you.

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Jacqueline Yeung
Jacqueline Yeung

Written by Jacqueline Yeung

Daily Inspirational and Motivational Article Delivery! Striving to help and support others for positive life along my journey!

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